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Meer informatie over Dipasa Europe BV

More information about Dipasa

Health and wellbeing lie at the heart of all we stand for
As a food & cuisine manufacturer, there are many great secrets you’d love to spill. You’re proud of your recipes and ingredients. Your processes, your staff, your sourcing. But in today’s world, more and more people buying food are really only interested in three things: ‘Is it healthy?’ ‘Is it tasty?’ ‘Is it safety?’

Health and wellbeing
With Dipasa, you can be sure your answer to those questions will be a double yes. Health and wellbeing lie at the heart of all we stand for. From our natural products and ingredients – such as sesame, recognized since ancient times for its medicinal powers – to our business-boosting co-creation activities and our community support programs. We cultivate and supply health. As for taste, well, just try our products and you will know.

Reliable sesame processor and supplier
With over 40 years of experience, we are recognized as the world’s most reliable sesame processor and supplier. Based in Mexico with sister companies in Europe and the US, we are dedicated to globally exporting some of the world’s best food & cuisine ingredients.